Baron’s Howe 2025

Date: August 29  to September  1th, 2025
Times: Site opens Friday, August 29 @ 14:00hrs and closes Monday, Sept 1 at 14:00 hrs (Early Thursday arrivals by special arrangement only. Please contact Arnold Smith)
Site Fees: No Fee (Donations are appreciated)
Cheques made payable to: “SCA – Northernshire”
Event Stewards:
Lord Olaf Smeds of the North Wood (Arnold Smith) 705-759-6315
TH Lord Thorsteinn Bjarnylyr Sveinnson (Dan Charsley) 705-759-8773

Group: The Shire of Ulfheim, The Ubershire of Ealdormere
Event Site: Old Ravenhill Farm
Address: 364 Development Road, Bonfield ON, POH 1E0
Directions to site: Go to Bonfield, Ontario via Hwy. 17 and Hwy. 531. Cross the railway tracks into the village. Bear right onto Railway Street. At Boisvert St. Turn left, at Yonge/Gagnon turn right. Once in the village, find the church. Follow Yonge/Gagnon S to the four-way stop. This is Development Road. Turn left and follow Development Rd. E for 1 km. To #364. Turn right into the driveway. You are here! Bonfield, Ont., is about 30 km. east of North Bay off Hwy. 17.

Camping in the most beautiful spot Northern Ontario has to offer!
Come join us for fighting, archery, thrown weapons, cooking, singing and lots more!
Once again the Great Ubershire of Ealdoremere is sponsoring a long weekend full of organized and unorganized events! We have our own plans, but if you want to bring your own activities (that are reasonably safe), please contact us and we will make room for you in the schedule. As always the Ubershire will be hosting the Saturday Night Social in our corner of the bowl.  BYOB. 

Come join us for some great fun!

Come play with the Shire of Ulfheim!